Our  new season (2024-2025) began on the second Sunday of September and runs through June. 

Join us at AVDR. 

Please note: We are no longer participate as a CGA sanctioned district. Please refer to the AVDR Rule Book for the current rules and qualifications for year end prizes. We are running 6 events at each show this year. Our club meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the club house. All AVDR members are welcome.

ANTELOPE VALLEY DESERT RIDERS 2024/2025 GYMKHANA SEASON - Antelope Valley Desert Riders will began its show season on September 8, 2024, with monthly gymkhanas on the second Sunday of the month until June. Riders of all abilities and ages can compete with riders of similar skills/speed. We will have a PeeWee class for young riders just learning to ride and a class for adults just beginning in gymkhana or for those who don’t want to go fast. We have classes for those just trotting/loping up to high speed experienced horses and riders. This is a great way to improve your horsemanship and have fun in a stress free family environment. Membership is required and prizes are awarded at the end of the season. Follow us on our Facebook page.


Other dates to mark down: 

The SEVENTH show of our new season is MARCH 9th! Our theme is St Patrick's Day! Join us Sunday with your green gear!